
Archive for June 1st, 2009


Yes indeed! Air Force Girl graduated from High School today. She has been such a rock through this whole thing and as they walked out she cried. I think it is because it is really real. The diploma has her name on it and they called her name, she walked across the stage and tada! High School is over. In just over two months she will be on her way to Texas for basic training. Congratulations to her on GRADUATING! (school colors are orange and black)

Today is also Air Force Girls birthday and we got a great present, Army girl called and we were able to talk to her for almost an hour! I love Skype! And then my phone died and I can’t get it to hold a charge. Bummer. That is what happens when they go swimming. Air Force Girl is going to take it to the local cell phone store and see if a new battery will fix it. I am so graceful I can hardly stand it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AIR FORCE GIRL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

I don’t know if Air Force Girl had a good birthday or not. I have always been terrible at celebrating things. We went out for breakfast and had yucky cake, we also have cheese cake and vanilla cake mix for a two layer cake. I haven’t given her a birthday present yet because she didn’t tell me what she wanted. I think I still owe Navy Girl a party. See I try and I seem to do birthday parties with the same luck I have with cell phones. Rather accident prone. I am sorry for that my darlings.

I am feeling a little melancholy today. It was rather weird not having the party after the graduation so it was a little anti-climatic. So Grandma R and Grandpa D left about an hour or so after we got home and we grilled some chicken for Air Force Girls birthday supper. I made her some mashed potatoes and the rest of us had baked. She is off to a party and Hubby and Gpa are in bed already. I will follow shortly, I can hear one of them snoring upstairs. I have to work tomorrow and Gpa is heading home.

Navy Girl is on her way back to school. We find out tomorrow what her fate is. Oh please let her be able to continue on in school. I know that she is ok with having to go out into the fleet but I am not. I know that no matter what, she will do great because that is just the way she is. But I need her here. We will all survive if she has to go but I DON’T WANT HER TOO! Just so my position on all of this is clear. Like I said yesterday, I want to keep her here and at the same time she has to be an adult and away or we will drive each other nuts. The worst part is not being able to fix it. But on a happy note we sent her home with some yucky cake and clean clothes. She is to call us tonight and let us know she made it home safe and sound, and again tomorrow to let us know how everything turns out. So please every one think happy thoughts. Lots of positive vibes for Navy Girl.

Army Girl finds out tomorrow if she gets her 6. If she does that would make her a Staff Sargent I do believe. She is pretty amazing. She got her 5 before she was 21 years old, and had been in the National Guard for only 3 1/2 years. We are sending positive thoughts to her too. My girls just amaze me. I am so proud of them.

I am just rambling here so I think I need to go to bed. I have to get up early and go to Curves, Hubby and I did 41 sit ups and 41 push ups today. We will do the same tomorrow. (40 + the date). I have noticed a difference in my abs and my arms. I still have to remind my self to hold my stomach in but when I do I can see a difference. I have noticed that the first 30 sit ups are relatively easy but the last 10 always suck! So when we get into the 100’s ninety of them should be easy right? 😉 I wish I knew how to insert smileys and stuff. Something for another day.

Happy thoughts for a happy day!

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