
Archive for June 7th, 2011

What is up with all of these famous people? They are sending pictures of their privates, having affairs, having kids with people who aren’t their spouses.  WTH?  Who told them that was ok?  From the time Navy Girl, Army Girl and Air Force Girl were little I taught them that type of stuff is not acceptable.  If you no longer want to be with your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend you should break up, and then go looking.  The heartache these people cause is just mind boggling.  As the girls got older and were going out, I always told them, I love you, have fun and don’t forget the rules.

The rules according to me:

No drinking

No smoking

No drugs

No sex

Plain, simple, easy to remember.  Now why don’t these famous people remember this?  Between Newt, Arnold, Leanne, Weiner, Edwards and a whole slew of others there had to be at least on mama in there to tell them not to do the things they did.  Who do they think they are that the rules don’t apply to them?

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