
Posts Tagged ‘tragedies happen’

I read a quote today that has stuck with me. It said, if you make a happy fuss over the small things that happen, true happiness follows.  The woman who said it has a four year old daughter who is very ill and has never spent a day out of the hospital. But the little girl is still alive and thriving to the best of her ability because her parents have made her life happy. And by making their daughters life happy it has made their lives happy.

It is that finding the silver lining in every cloud. Terrible things happen to everyone. No one is immune from it. It can’t be helped; it is a part of life, tragedies happen. People get sick and die, people lose their jobs, people break up their relationships, it happens to everyone. If you have not been touched by tragedy of some sort you cannot appreciate the good things in life.  Does that make going through the bad any easier, no not really but if you have faith that things will work out for the better . . . well they always do.  Sometimes it take a little work, ok sometimes it takes a lot of work but if you keep finding those little rays of sunshine and you make a fuss over them, life gets better.

When I lost my job, it was a financial and emotional disaster for me. But it has forced us to be more fiscally responsible and we have come out of it on much more solid footing, having learned from our mistakes. It made it so I was available to be here to help Gpa get back to feeling better. So while losing my job was a tragedy to me, the silver linings have been huge. I finally got a job, and then the start date was pushed back. Made me very sad and worried, but the silver lining is now I will be here at Gpa’s to get the tomatoes picked.  I could look at this and say “why do all of these bad things happen to me?” instead I have opted to look for the good that can come of it.

Not everyone is born an optimist, but you can decide to be one. The saying “when one door closes another opens” happens all the time. But often we are so busy looking at that closed door with longing that we fail to look around and see what may have opened. Am I optimistic every moment of every day? Unfortunately no, I am not. But I work at it all the time, sometimes I have to be reminded too.  So here is my reminder for you.

Have you found the opportunity for today? Quit looking at what might have been and look at what still can be.

Happy thoughts for a happy day!

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