
Posts Tagged ‘hurricane’

Just heard from Navy girl. She is getting out of the area. Hopefully Air Force Girl will go with her. They will be going to be heading to my brother C. He lives much farther in land and will not be as hard hit. This storm is going to be huge and cause a bunch of damage. I am glad the girls have decided to get out. As Midwestern people we really cannot relate to what is going to happen. We have tornados that can be monstrous, we have blizzard that can be huge but this is so far out of our comprehension.

The navy sent everyone who will not be on duty home, told those that will be on duty to plan on being there for days and said if you can, go somewhere else. It sent all of their ships that are seaworthy out to sea.

I would rather err on the side of caution and not need it than waiting and someone getting hurt.  Every report I see, it gets closer and closer to where Navy Girl and Air Force Girl are. The likelihood of it hitting where they are is close to 100%. I will keep everyone posted

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