
Posts Tagged ‘demented happy face’

When your kids are in the military it changes them. They are being taught things the rest of the population would never even think of. When they learn these things it fundamentally changes who they are. They grow up very fast, their tolerance for bullshit and drama goes way down, and they become homebodies. It is Friday night and Air Force Girl is here at home with her dad and me. She has been packing her stuff to take with her. It makes me sad. Now I know if she were going to college and getting an apartment she would be packing her stuff so lots of parents are going through this. Most of those kids would not be doing it on a Friday night though. When Air Force Girl leaves here she will be on her way to work. She has been trained and will continue to train for her job. There is a chance that she will be in Iraq or Afghanistan in the next year or two.

Navy Girl sent me an e-mail yesterday. I am waiting for her permission to reprint it here. She has such an amusing writing style. I enjoy reading them. Where ever she is, is very warm and makes the ship sweat. So while the rest of us have been complaining about the heat and humidity here at least the vessel we are living/riding/hanging out in isn’t sweating.

Army Girl has drill this weekend. She was so excited to go. NOT! She has a PT test tomorrow. I know she will do well on it. She runs a lot and does pushups a lot and does sit-ups a lot. Besides all of the other work out stuff she does a lot.

Hubby and I are going to try for 17 miles again tomorrow. Think happy thoughts for me. Training for this thing is so fun! (Demented smiley face here)

Happy thoughts for a happy day!

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