
Posts Tagged ‘I made a choice’

Dear Future Employer,

You should hire me because I am a woman not despite being a woman.  I may not have the same resume as a man but guess what?  I am not a man.  I have made choices that were for the greater good of my family, what makes you think I won’t make those same types of decisions for your company?  When I needed marketable job skills I took my kids and got a degree in engineering.  Did you?  Could you?  I made a choice to raise my children in a small town.  Did I know it would derail my career?  Yes and no.  Was it the best decision for my family?  Unequivocally yes. 

I have had many jobs over the last few years, CAD Designer, Day Care Operator, Bank Teller, Grocery Store Clerk, School Bus Driver, PartyLite Consultant, and Marketing Analyst.   Each one has taught me something useful about life and working with others.  When I needed to learn how to do the job I sought out the most knowledgeable people I could find.  I researched it on the internet and I picked up the phone and called people.  We can’t all have a straight career path and when you are a woman it tends to be pretty crooked with a lot of side branches. 

I have the organizational skills of a mother.  I was able to keep up with the schedules of three kids, a husband, and myself while I had a broken leg.  Can you keep everyone organized while immobilized?  When I need the answer I am not afraid to call the president of a company to compliment, complain, or cajole.  Can you?  I can motivate you to do what needs to be done all while making you think it was your own idea.  I am the master of the soft sell, but not today.  Today you should hire me.   You won’t regret it.

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